Astrophotography by Mario Cogo

The Sagittarius Star Cloud - M24 - NGC6589/90 - B92/93 - IC1283/4 (Sagittarius)


Visibile come una macchia chiara sullo sfondo della Via Lattea centrale, la Nube stellare del Sagittario è una ricca e vasta area di stelle, nubi di polvere, nebulose oscure e gas interstellari.

- Date / Location : 21 and 22/05/2015 from Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm "Namibia"
- Lens / Camera : Takahashi FSQ 106 ED f/5 - Canon EOS 6D CDS (Baader Modified)
- Mount / Guide : Astro-Physics 1200 GTO -  Lacerta Mgen stand alone autoguider on 9x50 Finderscope
- Exposure Time : Exposures of  1,5,8 Min. (3h 6m Total)  @ 1600 Iso, No Dark - 20 Flat.
- Processing : Image Plus (Calibration), Registar (Alignment), Photoshop, Image Plus (Processing)
- Note : Excellent Trasparency - Temp +8°/+10°C - SQM-L 21,81/21,75

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