Astrophotography by Mario Cogo

IC 4628 - NGC 6231 The False Comet - (Scorpius)

IC4628 - Tail of Scorpius 

A centro immagine la nebulosa a emissione IC4628 con a destra l'ammasso NGC6231 noto come la falsa cometa.

A sinistra le stelle Mu1-2 Scorpii visibili nella parte centrale della costellazione dello Scorpione.

- Date / Location : 14/05/2015 from Tivoli Southern Sky Guest Farm "Namibia"
- Lens / Camera : Zeiss Apo Sonnar T* 135mm f/2 - Canon EOS 60D CDS (Baader Modified)
- Mount / Guide : Vixen Atlux - Unguided
- Exposure Time : Exposure of 1,5 Min. at f/4 (2h 50m Total)  @ 1600 Iso. No Dark, Yes Flat
- Processing : Image Plus (Calibration), Registar (Alignment), Photoshop, AstraImage, Nik Collection (Processing)
- Note : Excellent Trasparency - Temp +12°C - SQM-L 21,53/21,81

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